One year ago today at 11:27am was the most life changing event of my life. Despite all the meds I can recall it more clearly than I can recall what we ate for breakfast this morning. I remember the smell of my hospital room, the scalding hot water and huge alluminum basins i scrubbed my hands in before entering the NICU. The taste of vanilla pudding because that's all that really tasted good to me. The scary beeps, bells and cries of other preemies that I'm sure aged me 10 years because it's the scariest thing in the world to have a baby in the NICU for 8 days. And most important of all i remember your tiny 5 and a half pound being lying on my chest smelling like heaven and feeling softer and sweeter than anything i've ever felt, oh my eyes are blurred from the tears flowing. i just can't believe that one year ago today i sat beside your tiny bed and read her the book "On the day you were born", and as i did the same tonight, i felt even more blessed and more happy than ever. The past year has been the best year of my life and i have learned so much. You are so loved Bayley. Thank you for coming into this world and making so many hearts happy. Your smile could cure any ailment in the world. I love you heart and soul forever and ever. I hope all your wishes come true. You are MY wish come true.
Love, Mama

Thank you to my very creative friend Kelle for making her the cutest hat and shirt!!!

12 Months.....where did the time go???
you are moments away from walking/running
you can push your babydoll in her stroller
you can do stairs with help
you are saying: bye bye, baba, mama, dada, gaga
you love ice cream
you love baths, showers, and swimming
you love sitting on the porch with dada
you love kitty cats and doggies
you are very ticklish
you would prefer to be naked
you are an excellent shopper
you won't wear hats (break Mommy's heart)
you love to dance
you are the best baby in the world and we love you!!!!
Bayley's party was a hit, I am exhausted so exhausted. She had a great time and it was great to celebrate with our loved ones. I will post more pics soon after I organize all her gifts and sleep for a few days. She's been teething like crazy and has a runny nose, but was still such a good sport on her birthday.
It takes a long time to grow young. - Pablo Picasso
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Thanks for a very tearful start to my day! Seth was a 5 1/2 pound preemie in the NICU just yesterday and moments ago I sent him to Cub Scout Camp. How did that happen so fast? I know you cherish every moment with Bayley. Happy Birthday beautiful girl!
that is the most beautiful post ever! you are the best mom ever and bayley is so wonderful. we can't wait to see you all again and to meet adam! that quote by pablo picasso is one of my favorites! we love you! happy birthday Bayley!
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