and of course an impromptu trip to ocean beach

and an out of focus shot of me and my girl

and this little guy was so cute

also, i became a bee charmer over the weekend.
i found a buzzing mad bee in our windowsil and panicked because ever since i got stung 10 times by hornets when i was 6 years old i have been quite terrified of bees/hornets/wasps
well, i was ready to conquer my fear
so i decided instead of trying to kill the poor thing/possibly make him more mad with lysol disinfectant spray (i don't own bug spray),
i would coax him down and give him a snack of some raw unfiltered trader joes yummy honey.
and it worked!!
he chowed down and i was able to ever so carefully put a glass over him and slide a piece of cardboard under the glass and take him outside to set him free.
but he hung out for a good 10 minutes.....
i think he liked me. and i'm not scared anymore.

thanks mr. bee
more on this to come but....
did i mention our girl is crawling???
she's all over the place like she knew how to do it all along. and she bumped her head on the linoleum today ouchy.
and daddy's getting lasik eye surgery on wednesday, yay!! he'll be able to watch bayley thru walls!!!
and i turn 28 tomorrow, happy birthday to me.
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