Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bayley update

Our girl is getting so big and cuter by the minute!!

she weighs 17 lbs

she is eating more solids and liking them. homemade apple blueberry kiwi was a hit today

her belly laughs are hysterical

she has the chubbiest, squishiest, you just wanna take a little bite out of thighs

she says mama ALL the time now and I just love it more than anything. she especially says it when she wants something

she is rolling all over the place and scooting

she was sitting up in her crib today holding onto the bars with her little face squished in between the wooden rails trying to pull herself up

she loves looking at herself in the mirror and smiles SO big everytime we pass it

her second tooth broke through yesterday 03/02/09 (bottom right)

You are my dream come true. Thank you for being such a good sweet baby. You are beautiful, very smart, funny and your soul is a wonderful addition to this universe.
Love forever, mamamamama

more from our Balboa Park photoshoot


so serious



a mad face and a messy face

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