Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rain rain go away........

It does rain in San Diego, but we make do. Instead of going to the park, like I wanted to.....




went on a chinese food take out run which manifested into quite an adventure and a realization that there are a lot of not-so-good/too expensive/don't have sweetnsour chicken chinese food restaurants in San Diego

made the tastiest pancakes ever and shared with Adam my lifelong dream of buying a griddle. I've just always had this dream of waking up Sunday mornings and making stacks of pancakes on a griddle for my family. Watching their messy little sticky syrupy hands devour them because they are just that tasty!!! Bayley can't eat pancakes yet, but once she can....I'm gettin a griddle!!
I love pancakes.

we dressed up like a pink bear....okay well just Bayley. Adam and I couldn't find any suits that fit. Look at those chubby little hands, it's amazing I haven't eaten them!!! Thanks Auntie Mia for my cute bear suit!!!

Bayley and Daddy played lots and wore little munchkin out!!! She had so much fun and she fell asleep in less than a minute as I rocked her!!! She didn't even have the energy to splash in her bath, she just laid back and looked so pooped. I think Adam may be on to something here....baby aerobics!!

1 leave a comment here:

Emilee said...

She is adorable and those pancakes look so yummy!

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