Sunday, October 3, 2010


sitting here writing my to do list which probably is the sum of five borderline normal persons to do lists...
scanning the floor cause i think i see a bug, but there are too many pieces of dried food and dust bunnies to distinguish anyways
somehow vaccuming still isn't at the top of my list, but making a cool magnetic chalkboard is!! Loews here I come!!!
i'm so obsessed with deorating and making our home feel homier right now, but it's ironic because we have a 2 year old. and two year olds have thier own decorating ideas. most of which include dried up playdough EVERYWHERE and lots of small plastic parts sprinkled on the floor of every room. hmmmmm i was envisioning more of a pottery barn/anthropology-esque feel...
but i'm sure the playdough will win

to do list:
make bean soup
make cupcakes
make football snacks: rosemary cashews, salami/cheese plate
go to loews
finish laundry
redo/clean downstairs bathroom
go to michaels for more creative junk
have a relaxing restful day, maybe do some yoga??

i think monday is a better day for vaccuming...don't you??
okay here i go!!

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