my blog has become that neglected child at the playground who never gets any attention. matted hair, messy faced, stained clothes and no supervision...
poor thing.
so now i will do what any decent guilt ridden mother would do.
over-induldge the kid
okay little blog, we're goin to disneyland and you can eat as much junk from the candy palace as you want.
San Diego trip September 2010
this trip re-energized every cell in my body
my town was having a heat wave which was heavenly since we really didn't get much of a summer this year.
burning the candle at both ends, staying up til 3 in the morning just to talk
seeing family and friends
and drinking in the city that is my Home
pure bliss
and wanna know the icing on the cake??
after a long drive home and feeling a new kind of exhaustion my body didn't know possible, i arrived to a spotless home, a beautifully rearranged bedroom and presents from my sweetheart.
it made me so ectstatically happy.
so here we go

a great little dessert place called Babycakes. On 5th ave in Hillcrest.

influx cafe, yummy homemade granola and great coffee

chara and tyler are having a baby!!! the baby shower was great fun.

i made these cupcakes from a recipe on the blog "joy the baker"
i couldn't get them to look cute, but they were delicious!!

fall in san diego, it really does exist

lil punkin is growing at an amazing speed, i swear she looks 5 in these photos.
as i ask her what she will be for halloween, she has 3 different answers
a pirate
a ghost
a pumpkin+-
so we shall see
i am loving fall even though we don't have pretty colored trees and piles of leaves to jump in. last night we had a lightening storm and it rained huge fierce drops as we cuddled inside putting out halloween decorations and watching "Eloises Halloween" for the hundreth time.
4 leave a comment here:
Great post! Love you girls! -Dad
Looks like a great trip, glad you had so much fun!! This post is inspiring me to write on my own neglected little blog... :) xo
First of all, I thought only Utahns said "heck"! Ha ha! I love your blog, your pictures, your words, your darling little girl. What a beautiful life!
i understand the neglecting of the blog. i'm there. '
glad i caught up a little. you and your little girl are stunning and your fall sd photos are lovely.
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