Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy 6 months Bayley!!!

Bayley, I can't believe how fast these last 6 months have gone by. It was hard in the beginning, but we made it through it and the rest has been the most fun I've ever had!! It has been pure joy being your Mommy and watching you grow and learn so much. I can't wait for the next 6 months!!! You are such a sweet, smart, beautiful little baby girl. We are so lucky to have you, you are so loved. Here are some things you are doing.

rolling from tummy to back
almost sitting up by yourself
grabbing things and throwing them
eating solids
said "baa"
makes growls and monster noises
coughs for attention
smiles and laughs all the time, especially when she sees Grandma
splashes lots in her bath
wants to stand
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